Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day

A big heartfelt Thank you,
To the woman who brought me to this world,
For all the sacrifices that was done in secret
And all the prayers you have said
to keep me safe
when i am not home
Thanks for being there ALWAYS
and reassuring me that everything will be ok
even though it might not be
A big thank you,
For all the times u reluctantly fed my fetish(es)
But still do it anyway
For the sole reason that im your only eldest daughter
I know that ive not been the best daughter
but hey,
at least im not on crack
or wasted
I can reassure you that i am sober enough
to tell you how much i love you

Not just today,
nor tomorrow,
but every of my waking day

To me,
Mother's day means more than just a happy day
within those words lies a lot of things i never get to say
or never had the chance to say
It means, i really do honor you and treasure you,
and i never love u less on any other day.

Have a Happy Mother's Day Mummy!!!love you x infinity

1 comment:

fo said...

haha masih ada excuse: but hey at least i'm not on crack or wasted! LOL!!!
so did you show your mom this?